Yes, I have LOTS to do this morning. It is 6:57 a.m. and I need to be out the door at 7:30 a.m. Between now and then I need to fill in an exam key answer sheet, take a shower, have some breakfast. Oh, I guess it would be good to get dressed, too. But first: an OV blog.
If you've been sending me pix and not seeing them posted (you know who you are) be assured I am grateful and will get them up. I am just hoarding stuff to get me through to football season (Go Vols, woot!).
So I got all inspired to post just now when I saw this beautiful OV in an e-mail from TU photographer Bruce Lipsky. Bruce used to be a Gators fan, but it's my opinion that all his shooting for the BOVB has swayed him to the side of True Orange. And this pickemuptruck definitely makes me want to get my Rocky Top on.
WTG Brucey.