Some say it's crazy to be obsessed about Orange. But my diagnosis is that it is psychologically unhealthy not to be obsessed with Orange.
Science backs me up on this. Just Google "psychology, Orange," or "Orange therapy" and you'll be presented with numerous Web sites and articles testifying to the psychologically-beneficial and healing aspects of Orange.
"Orange is ... considered an energetic color," one article says. "Orange calls to mind feelings of excitement, enthusiasm and warmth."
I submit that our culture desperately needs an infusion of excitement, enthusiasm and warmth — i.e. Orange — in these dark economic times. In fact I am confident that a steady viewing of UT Orange could do as much, if not more, than the so-called economic stimulus package to restore our nation's hope and prosperity!
So let's start right now with this amazing Orange Porsche, which I photographed at the St. Johns Town Center in Jacksonville in 2008. Hats off to the German who thought, "why don't we make an Orange one?" It may be a shade or two off Sacred Orange, but when it comes on such a sweet automobile, it's close enough.
Got a friend who's down and out? Show 'em this pic. It's bound to cheer 'em up.
"Sports stadiums have long been filled with a curious breed. The sports fan is a strange, sometimes tragic figure who often goes into a frenzy over nothing more significant than a jersey color. An exploration of the mental makeup of those who root." - Talk of the Nation story on NPR.
Ed Hirt, associate professor of psychological and brain sciences at Indiana University
David Potter, professor of Greek and Latin at University of Michigan; writes a Chicago Tribune RedEye column about how the Romans look at modern sports
Richard Deitsch, associate editor, Sports Illustrated
Jeff, you're right. Orange can make a fella happy and content even when faced with a long off season while waiting for Cleveland to mount their inevitable march to a Super Bowl XLIII.