I had lunch with a friend and fellow UT grad who got laid off a few months ago. The dude is my total hero because he's weathering these uncertain times with calm and humor and a determination to find work to support his family.
That got me to thinking about the term "uncertain times." The phrases supposes that there are also "certain times." But there aren't. Not really. All there are are times when people think things are certain. In reality, they never are. The key is to keep your head no matter what the circumstances and I hope I can live by that knowledge if and when I hit rougher waters.
Not to get all philosophical and stuff, but these thoughts came to me when I read a GoVolsXtra.com story about a 52-year-old graduate assistant who will be coaching America's Team, aka the Tennessee Volunteers. By no means is this some miraculous rags-to-riches tale, but it serves as a reminder that you're never too old to go back to school! It also reminds that one should never be above taking a "demotion" if it means following your dreams and stuff.
How does that tie in with the photo of the Orange mowers? It doesn't. So get over it. (Ha ha ha jk jk).
I just liked the pic, which was provided by my brother Rod Brumley, who spotted them at a Home Depot in Knoxville earlier this month or late in April. If I had the money I'd buy the lot of them and park em just like that in front of my apartment.
Great point. And if I ever need to buy a riding lawn mower you better believe it will be Orange.