Hats off to Florida Times-Union page designer Alison Powers.
Why? No, not because she is the Morris Communications Designer of the Year, although that's pretty cool.
No, it's hats off because she knows how to properly utilize and maximize her vacation enjoyment. How? By being ever alert to the presence of OVs and having a camera ready!
She snapped these pics during her ongoing trip to St. Louis. While enjoying the presence of her family and seeing the musical "Rent," her biggest highlights were spotting the funny beer-transport vehicle at the Anheuser-Busch facility. She was even on it upon landing, snapping the pic of that big Orange aircraft from out the window of her plane.
Now she can come home truly relaxed and with a feeling that her vacation really mattered.
Congrats, Alison. Orange Nation salutes you. I hope more people will follow your BO example (ha ha, BO in this case meaning Big Orange).
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