Back in the olden days of the blog (January 2009) I sought a mental diagnosis of my attraction to Orange. (Read that post here).
The question has re-arisen on Facebook, where my friend Kellyn posted this comment: "I was looking at TBOVB and I was thinking...why Orange? Is there an explanation somewhere, or is the attraction to Orange subconscious?
But she didn't stop there. Kellyn then posted a link to a Web site that explained the Orange chakra. (Click here to see what chakras are.) It turns out this chakra is centered in the abdomen and is primarily connected to bodily/sensual functions. Here's what it says:
Consciousness: This chakra is associated with the parts of the consciousness concerned with food and sex. It is about the body's communication to the Being inside, about what the body wants and needs, and what it finds pleasurable. The person's ability to have children is also associated with this chakra...."
In Hinduism, if I'm not mistaken, this is known as the sacral chakra and it is also associated with Orange. This even came up during the recent Indian Independence Day parade at UNF. A Hindu gentlemen told me that Orange is huge in Hinduism. Hindu swamis and renunciates wear the color.
Why? Because Orange "symbolizes fire" and "the burning of the ego, their former selves, and their personal wants." (See more on that by clicking right here).
I can't rule any of this out, but at the end of the day I think the blog was mainly inspired by the fact my college colors are Orange and White (with a little blue and black thrown in here and there).
To celebrate, I am posting these pix from that Indian Independence Day celebration I attended with a friend. I loved that they had a white van adorned with Orange bunting, and that so many people were wearing Orange. In fact, if you didn't look closely, you could almost conclude this was a group of Vols fans fixin' to celebrate the fact that it's almost football time in Tennessee.
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